Direct imposition of essential boundary and material discontinuity conditions in the meshless method
  Revised:February 21, 2003
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KeyWord:meshless,element|free,essential boundary condition,material discontinuity
Cai Yongchang  Zhu Hehua~*
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      Direct imposition of essential boundary and material discontinuity conditions is always difficult in meshless method because the shape functions from the Moving Least Squares approximation do not have the delta property. By using the actual displacements at the nodes of essential boundary and the material interface in each material domain, the stiffness matrix and load vector at integral point have been rewritten and transformed, and a method for naturally enforcing these two conditions is proposed in this paper. As a result, the proposed method yields a positive, symmetrical and banded global stiffness matrix like it in finite element methods and has the advantages of stabilization and be easy to implement as compared to the penalty method, the Lagrange method, and other methods. The technique is described in EFG method in this paper, but can easily be applicable to other meshless methods and projections. Numerical results indicate that the theory and programs are accurate and effective.