Numerical simulation of pulsatile blood flow in coronary artery with symmetric 2-way bypass graft
  Revised:February 21, 2003
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KeyWord:restenosis,hemodynamics,coronary artery bypass graft,simulation
Qiao Ai''''ke~*  Liu Youjun  Zeng Yanjun
Hits: 1542
Download times: 9
      Restenosis always occurs in coronary artery bypass graft and results in the surgery failure. This is close related to the geometry configuration and hemodynamics of the bypass graft. As an improvement, the authors presented a new model using symmetric 2-way bypass graft. The physiological blood flow in the new model is simulated with finite element method. The temporal-spatial distributions of hemodynamics such as flow patterns, wall shear stress and pressure etc in the vicinity of anastomosis were analyzed. It was shown that the symmetric 2-way bypass graft was featured with high blood flow velocity in the distal junction, little reversed flow, low pressure near the wall and small wall shear stress gradient etc., and was of favorable hemodynamics than the traditional 1-way bypass graft. The geometry configuration with symmetric 2-way bypass graft could improve the flow conditions and decrease the probability of restenosis. This study is of great help and guide meaning for the clinical surgery plan.