Study on thin-layer element and application in FEM analysis of RCCD dams
  Revised:February 23, 2003
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KeyWord:RCC,layer,thin|layer element,FEM
Gu Chongshi~*  Cheng Lequn  Li Tingting
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      A roller|compacted concrete (RCC) dam has become a new technique for constructing dams since 20 years ago. It has the virtues of structure of ordinary concrete dam and construction of roller|compacted earth dam. However, RCCD has many horizontal construction planes that become weak parts of the dam body. Now the Finite Element Method (FEM) is often used to analyze its structure and seepage. Non|thickness element is used or planes are adopted in some special locations to simulate the effect of its construction planes, which is different form the actual state. Based on this, the paper derives the formula of calculating influence thickness according to the seepage theory, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and shear modulus of the planes according to the characteristics of series|wound and shunt|wound connection. Consequently, the FEM with thin|layer element is developed and applied, which analyzes how to treat the planes and the process of establishing elements and derives the stiffness matrix of the planes' elements. The case example shows that the model can be applied to the analysis of the behavior of RCCD. Furthermore, to the work condition of these foundations with fault and sandwich, the bodies with fissure.