Explicit form and efficient computation of RKPM shape functions in terms of moments
  Revised:March 12, 2003
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KeyWord:Reproducing Kernel Particle Method,meshless method,shape function
Wang Xueming  Zhou Jinxiong~*  Zhang Ling
Hits: 1081
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      Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM) shape functions and their derivatives are expressed explicitly in terms of moments. This eliminates totally the errors arise from numerical computation of matrix inversion and solution of linear equations. Furthermore, this method can improve computation efficiencies as well as save computer memory. Numerical examples associated with computation of 2-D and 3-D shape functions are presented, and comparisons the results of between the classical numerical method and the proposed analytical method are included within. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method constitutes prominent advantages especially when a large number of unknowns are involved. All the formulations are given in the context of RKPM, but the results and conclusions can be developed in the framework of other meshless methods.