Computer simulation method for the domain with large numbers of random ellipse grains/cavities and the improving automatic trianglemesh generation algorithm
  Revised:November 29, 2002
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KeyWord:multi|phase composite materials,original mesh,randomly inserted points,adaptive original points,almost uniform original points
Li Youyun  Cui Junzhi~*
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      In this paper, the computer simulation method for the composite material with large numbers of random ellipse grains/cavities is presented. Based on the ellipses covering the grains/cavities of any shape, we give one method to simulate the grains/cavities of any shape by shorting or longing the axis of the ellipse or cutting the ellipse boundary. At the same time, considering the difficulty of the other software such as Sap91, ANSYS and Matlab, etc. not to generate the mesh of the above domain with large number of grains/cavities, we give one improving algorithm of the automatically generate triangle mesh based on the P.L.Geoge algorithm. In the paper, for the different uses of the mesh, two kinds of boundary points (Adaptive original points, Almost original points) are described. Based on the different boundary points, we present the algorithm to generate the different mesh for the complicate domain with large number of grains/cavities. Some numerical experiments in the two-dimension domain illustrate that the algorithm is valid to simulate the composite materials with large numbers of random grains/cavities. The algorithm can be extended to deal with the materials with cracks and 3|dimensional cases without any difficulty.