Coupling sensitivity analysis of steady responses of thermal structures
  Revised:December 30, 2002
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KeyWord:thermal stress,thermal deformation,coupling sensitivity,direct method,adjoint method
Gu Yuanxian~*  Liu Tao  Kang Zhan  Zhao Guozhong
Hits: 1678
Download times: 8
      This paper studies the method of structural sensitivity analysis for steady thermal deformation and thermal stresses, and the direct method and the adjoint method have been proposed. Considering the coupling effect of temperature field, the derivatives of temperature field with respect to design variables are required in sensitivity calculation for thermal loads and thermal stresses in the direct method, while the derivatives of thermal load with respect to temperature field are required in the adjoint method. A numerical example of sensitivity analysis with both size and shape design variables has demonstrated the accuracy of the methods of the paper. The implementation of the adjoint method in application software provides efficient sensitivity analysis for large-scale problems of structural design optimization.