FEMOL with undetermined shape functions
  Revised:July 17, 2002
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KeyWord:FEMOL,undetermined shape function,BVP
Yuan Si~*  Gui Xiongfei
Hits: 1127
Download times: 8
      While FEMOL is a general and powerful semi-analytical method for BVPs, its solutions in the discrete direction and the analytical direction do not behave equally well. The present paper proposed a bi-directional semi-analytical method based on FEMOL, i.e. FEMOL with Undetermined Shape Functions. With the aid of energy theorem, the optimization approach, by solving an additional ODE problem after obtaining a FEMOL solution, greatly enhances the shape functions, and hence tremendously improves the overall solution quality and equalizes the accuracies in the two directions. Detailed formulation and numerical examples for two-dimensional Poisson equation were given in the paper to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.