Time-lag control reliability study on frame structures
  Revised:January 02, 2002
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KeyWord:reliability,generalized predictive control,frame,active control,time-lag
Zhou Xingde~*  Zhang Hua
Hits: 1112
Download times: 8
      Reliability of vibration control of frame structures under the action of earthquake can reflect the effect of active control, in the paper, an approach of solving frame structures reliability is presented. The method transformed original system vibration equations into unattached ones by aid of mode transfer, and then according to the Field's supposition, defines outcrossing values and takes the outcrossing rates of controlled system responses as a POSSION distribution, meanwhile, the reliability of all modes can be acquired, and then the system reliability can be gotten by aid of Veneziano's method. In the paper, an idea that the system reliability can be decided by the control outputs on the important parts is presented. Moreover, the generalized predictive control plan which has a better control effect on the uncertainty system is introduced and time lag is considered. At last, a numerical example is presented.