Stress singularity analyses in three-dimensional bi-material structure
  Revised:August 25, 2003
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KeyWord:stress singularity,three-dimensional joints,finite element method,sub-modeling technique
Wu Zhixue
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      The singular stress analyses for three-dimensional bi-material structure with various edge angles are performed using FEM (finite element method) sub-modeling technique. It is shown that FEM sub-modeling technique is valid for estimating the index of stress singularity for three-dimensional bi-material structure. The index of singularity along the stress singularity line and at the vertex are analyzed, and some important and interesting results are obtained. Furthermore, the disappearance conditions of stress singularity along the intersection of interface with the free surface are investigated. The results indicate that the singularity index at the vertex shows some 'singular' characteristics and cannot be estimated using two-dimensional theory. The conditions eliminating stress singularity in a three-dimensional joint are the same as those in the two-dimensional theory for plane strain state.