Seismic random response analysis of Multisupported structures and the quasi-static displacement approximation
  Revised:December 19, 2002
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KeyWord:long span structures,earthquake,spatial effects,random vibration
Zhang Yahui~1  Zhi Hao~2  
Hits: 1465
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      For the seismic random response analysis of long span structures subjected to spatially varying ground motion, some details of the pseudo excitation method are provided. Variations of the ground motion due to the wave passage effect, the incoherence effect and the local effect are considered in the analysis. The total responses are decomposed into the quasi-static and the dynamic components, in which the dynamic component is solved based on the mode superposition method. The present paper also discusses the technique that expresses the quasi-static displacements in terms of mode shapes and generalized coordinates. It is found that this expression may cause severe errors for the responses of displacements and internal forces. Therefore, it should be paid more attention in practice.