A numerical method for determining stress intensity factors at the interface edge of bonded materials
  Revised:October 08, 2002
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KeyWord:bonded material,interface edge,stress intensity factors,extrapolation method
Wang Haijun~
Hits: 1749
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      Based on the basic equations of the elasticity plane problem, a stress singularity eigenequation together with displacement fields and singular stress fields around the interface edge of bonded materials is given. A numerical approach combining with the finite element method, applied to determine stress intensity factors at the interface edge of bonded materials is proposed. The finite mesh elements near the interface edge region are carefully divided. Finally, a simple example is used to illustr-ate the validity of the numerical method, which accordingly solves the best direction of stress intensity factors. In addition, the precision of the extrapolation method meets the needs of engineering requirements. Hence the approach presented here provides an effective way for appraising intensities of engineering materials.