Penetration computation and spherical cavity-expansion model of concrete targets with crushing effects
  Revised:November 14, 2002
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KeyWord:concrete penetration,spherical cavity-expansion model,equation of state for concrete
Zhang Di~
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      This paper developed a spherical cavity-expansion penetration model for concrete targets which have the hydrostatic pressure-volumetric strain relation expressed by different solid concrete models and porous model with effect of permanent crushing considered. Concrete has a tension cutoff value and its shear strength relevant to pressure is described by Mohr-Coulomb's law. In the spherical cavity-expansion model, a spherically symmetric cavity is expanded from zero initial radius at constant velocity in an infinite medium, which consists of elastic, plastic regions and an additional radially cracked region if the cavity expansion velocity is low. The curves of pressure distribution on the cavity surface and the propagation velocity of interface between plastic and elastic region versus the cavity expansion velocity were obtained by an analytic method. The cavity surface pressure obtained from the spherical cavity-expansion models were used to calculate the penetration depth of concrete targets stricken by an olive-nosed rod projectile. Numerical results of different concrete target models were compared with the data of empirical equations.