Application of genetic algorithm in optimization design for random parameters rigid frame structures
  Revised:September 28, 2002
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KeyWord:rigid frame structures,random parameters,random loads,finite element and reliability analysis,optimization design based on reliability,genetic algorithm
Ma Hongbo  Chen Jianjun~*  Ma Fang  Zhang Jianguo
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      This paper studies the random parameters rigid frame structure optimization design based on reliability under random load action. The randomness of the physical parameters and the stochastic loads applied on structures are considered. Based on finite element and reliability analysis, the structural optimization design model based on probability is constructed. In which, the cross-section areas of the bars are considered as the design variables, the mean-minimization of structure weight is considered as the objective with the reliability constraints of stiffness and strength. A numerical example shows that the structural analysis and optimization design model as well as the related method, which combines the genetic algorithm and the penalty function method, are valid and feasible.