A new difference scheme of developing flow calculation in arterial vessel
  Revised:October 18, 2002
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KeyWord:blood flow,developing flow,difference schemes
Tan Zhedong  Cen Renjing~*  Wu Yuanqing  Wu Xiaoming
Hits: 1217
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      The investigations by scientists such as McDonald D A, Schultz D L, Cen R J and Qin Chan etc, all indicate that Poiseulle's formula is, in strict speaking, not applied to the blood flow in an arterial vessel. Because the Poiseulle's formula is only valid for developed flow. However, there is only developing flow other than developed flow for the blood in an arterial vessel. Therefore, the investigation of developing flow in an arterial vessel is paid attention by scientists. A definite difference method(DDM) is applied to solve the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation. Introducing the Pressure-Linked Equation and applying the SIMPLE method, the governing equation is solved. A new kind of the difference scheme of the governing equation for the developing flow in an arterial vessel is constructed by authors. The problem of unsteady oscillatory developing flow in an arterial vessel is computed by this proposed program. The numerical results show that this difference schemes are practicable for the numerical research of developing flow in blood vessels.