Evolutionary algorithm for solving the structural dynamic optimization with random excitation
  Revised:October 31, 2002
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KeyWord:genetic algorithm,pseudo-excitation,dynamic optimization,penalization function
Wang Xicheng~*  Zhang Hailei  Wu Jinying
Hits: 1560
Download times: 9
      This paper presents an evolutionary design algorithm for structural subjected to dynamic loading with random excitation. The optimization problem is to find the design variable (the sizes of the structural elements) such that the structural weight is minimum under the constraints of the maximum variances of the displacements of the structure nodes, and the lower and upper bounds on the design variables. For structural reanalysis, a pseudo-excitation method is applied for the analysis of random responses; for structural optimization, quasi-exactness penalization function is used to deal with constraint, and a new iteration scheme in conjunction with narrowing down space technique and multi-population evolutionary algorithm is employed to ensure very rapid and steady convergence. A program for above method is developed, which includes the procedures of the improved genetic algorithm and the pseudo-excitation method. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate simplicity and effectiveness of the proposed method.