Gas kinetic numerical algorithm for flows in microchannel
  Revised:August 20, 2002
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KeyWord:boltzmann model equation,discrete velocity ordinate method,NND finite difference scheme,gas flows in microchannel
Li Zhihui1  2  Fu Song*1  Zhang Hanxin2
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      In the present paper, the basic idea of the gas kinetic unified algorithm with Boltzmann model equation is introduced and extended in the numerical simulation of the gas flows in two-dimensional microchannel. The numerical modeling of the gas kinetic boundary conditions suitable for use in micro-scale gas flows is studied. The gas flows driven by pressure in two-dimensional microchannel with various Knudsen numbers are computed and compared with related DSMC results and the N-S solutions modified with slip-flow boundary theory. The comparisons show that the gas kinetic unified algorithm using Boltzmann model equation can effectively simulate the gas flows in microchannel. The numerical experience shows that this method may be a powerful tool in the numerical simulation of micro-scale gas flows.