Scattering of SH wave by a rigid line terminating at the interface of a bi-material
  Revised:September 02, 2002
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KeyWord:rigid line inclusion,interface,Green function,Cauchy type integral equation,stress singular factor,SH wave
Lu Jianfei
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      In terms of integral transform methods, the Green function of harmonic force applied at two bound half planes is established. The scattered field of the rigid line is calculated by the obtained Green function. In virtue of the property of infinite integral, the scattered field is split into a singular part and a bounded part, by which the Cauchy type integral equation of the rigid line is obtained. The singular stress order at the terminating point and the singular stress at the neighborhood of the terminating point are determined by using the integral equation and the scattered field of the rigid line. The stress singularity factors at the rigid line tips are defined by the singular stress at the rigid line tips. The numerical solution of the integral equation yields the singular stress factors at the rigid line tips.