3D non-stationary coupled buffeting analysis of long-span suspension bridges
  Revised:January 17, 2003
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KeyWord:long-span bridges,evolutionary power spectral model,non-stationary,buffeting,pseudo excitation method,precise integration method
Lin Jiahao~1,Liu Gao~1,Wang Xiuwei~2 quipment,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China, 2. Department of Bridge Engineering,Shijiazhuang Railway Institute,Shijiazhuang,050043,China)
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      Based on Priestley's evolutionary power spectral method (1967) and the suggestion by Lin and Yang (1983), a mathematical model of non-stationary power spectral of fluctuating wind velocities is proposed. Using this model, the 3D FEM-based dynamic equations of motion for non-stationary coupled buffeting analysis of long-span bridges are established, which is featured mainly by a combination of the pseudo excitation method and the precise integration method. With Tsing Ma suspension bridge in Hong Kong taken as a case study, the non-stationary buffeting analyses are compared with the stationary ones. It is shown that the non-stationary characteristics of the turbulen wind sometimes affects the structural responses significantly, particularly when the duration of the stationary part of the fluctuating wind excitations is not long enough compared with the basic period of the bridge. The results also show that the non-stationary coupled buffeting analysis method proposed in this paper is reasonable and efficient.