Differential cubature element method for free vibration analysis of moderately thick plates with discontinuities
  Revised:April 28, 2002
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KeyWord:differential cubature element method,discontinuous thick plates,free vibration,differential cubature method,domain superposition method
Wu Lanhe
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      A new numerical method, the differential cubature element method has been developed based on the domain superposition method and the differential cubature method for free vibration analysis of moderately thick plates with geometric discontinuities. The basic idea of the differential cubature element method is to divide the entire variable domain into several sub-domains(elements) and to apply the differential cubature method for each element. Compatibility conditions are developed for the conjunction nodes on the interface boundaries of elements in order to connect the elements. As the plate boundary conditions are introduced, a set of linear algebraic homogeneous equations about the displacements of grid points can be derived, from which the natural frequencies of the plate can be calculated numerically. The convergent characteristics and accuracy of the differential cubature element method are carefully investigated for the solution of discontinuous thick plate vibration problems. The applicability of the present method has been demonstrated by comparing the differential cubature element method solutions with other existing numerical solutions or analytical solutions.