Application of full transformation method in element-free Galerkin method
  Revised:April 08, 2002
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KeyWord:element free Galerkin method,moving least squares approximation,essential boundary conditions,full transformation method
Zhao Guoqun~*  Wang Weidong  Luan Yiguo
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      Accurate imposition of essential boundary conditions is a main draw back in the use of element free Galerkin method (EFGM), because the Moving Least Squares (MLS), used in this method, lack the delta function property of the usual finite element or boundary element method shape functions. The modified MLS shape function, for alleviating the above problem, is given by establishing the relationship between the nodal value and the generalized displacement. As an application example, The full transformation method in EFGM is used in two|dimensional problem. Numerical examples show that the present method is not only simple and logical but also exhibits very high accuracy, convergency and stability.