Numerical simulation method for random-fuzzy reliability analysis of elastic linkage mechanism stiffness
  Revised:May 13, 2002
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KeyWord:linkage mechanism,stiffness reliability,random-fuzzy probability,response surface method,numerical simulation
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      The response surface method is improved and used in the stiffness reliability analysis of elastic linkage mechanisms, for which the limit state function is determined iteratively, and the precision can be guaranteed by the selection of optimal interpolation points and iterative pattern. The finite element method for response surface limit state function of the elastic linkage mechanism stiffness has been programmed. Based on the suggested response surface limit state function, the random-fuzzy reliability model is set up by taking the fuzziness of the safety state into consideration. The importance sampling method is combined with the descriptive sampling method to simulate the random-fuzzy failure probability. It can decrease the time for sampling and increase the sampling efficiency, and so make the simulation converge rapidly.