A new method for computing the eigenvalues bounds of structures with interval parameters
  Revised:June 24, 2002
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KeyWord:uncertainty,interval analysis,interval mathematics,global optimization,genetic algorithm,generalized eigenvalue problem,generalized interval eigenvalue problem
Wang Denggang~
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      By representing uncertain structural parameters as interval numbers, a novel method for computing the upper and lower bounds of the eigenvalues of uncertain structures is proposed in this paper. Based on the inclusion monotone property in interval mathematics and the physical meaning expressed by interval functions, the problem to compute the bounds of the eigenvalues is transformed into two corresponding global optimization problems. In the optimization problems, the uncertain parameters are considered as optimization variables and the concerned eigenvalues are considered as the objective function. Moreover, a real-code genetic algorithm is used to solve these global optimization problems. Numerical results show that the results of interval perturbation method can be improved distinctly and the proposed method is effective.