A divided-zone method for parallel computation of Euler equations
  Revised:May 27, 2002
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KeyWord:parallel computation,divided-zone method,CFD
Hu Zongmin  Zhang Deliang~*  Zhang Jiahua
Hits: 1368
Download times: 8
      Divided-zone technology is always needed in CFD parallel computation, particularly for those problems with complex geometry flow fields. The properties of divided-zone determine the realization of parallel calculation, as well as the CPU time consumed by the calculation. In this paper, a new divided-zone method was brought forward firstly. Different zone decomposition were use for the calculation in x and y directions, so this method can be applied to CFD problem solution with the time fractional calculation technology. Using this method the calculation need not pay particular attention to the data transfer process between conjoint zones as needed by traditional divided-zone method. Then five cases were calculated to implement this divided-zone method. Numerical results were also compared with experimental results to make verification and validation. The nice agreement shows that this method is reasonable and valid. This method can be easily applied to solve inviscid CFD problems with parallel computation technology.