Investigation of refined hybrid piezoelectric solid element
  Revised:June 26, 2002
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KeyWord:piezoelectric,solid element,refined hybrid,multi-variable
Zheng Shijie~
Hits: 1680
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      Starting from the Hu-Washizu generalized variational principle for the coupling electromechanical problems; this paper presents a generalized hybrid piezoelectric element formulation. In order to improve the element property and guarantee its passing the patch test, an modified generalized variational principle was proposed by incorporating the non-conforming modes and relaxing electrical equations and weaker continuity condition. Based on this new functional and orthogonal interpolation mode, a general formulation of a refined hybrid piezoelectric element method was established, which inherits all the merits of the conventional refined hybrid element. In this paper, an 8-node refined hybrid piezoelectric solid element was derived, which absolutely avoids the computation of matrix inversion and are very reliable, more accurate. Its computational efficiency is superior to that of generalized hybrid piezoelectric elements and hybrid stress piezoelectric elements. The numerical examples show that this element has more adaptability to mesh distortion compared with other state-of-art piezoelectric solid elements.