On the study of the influence of the interphase properties on the creep behavior of short fiber enforced metal matrix composites
  Revised:April 04, 2002
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KeyWord:short fiber reinforced metal matrix composites,creep,unit cell model,finite element method
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      Based on the 3D unit cell model of short fiber enforced metal matrix composites, finite element method (FEM) is applied to analyze the influence on the creep behavior. Special attention is put on the influence of the interphase properties and the direction of fiber axial direction to the loading direction. The study shows that the interphase properties such as thickness, elastic and creep material properties have influence on the axial stress states and steady creep rates of the composites: the steady creep rate increases as thickness and stress exponent increasing; but the axial stress minimizing. However, a certain level occurs, when the interface modulus higher, the creep rate and axial stress don't change. The loading direction relating to the fiber axial direction has also influences.