Research progress and application of meshless method
  Revised:December 26, 2001
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KeyWord:meshless method,large deformation,impact,dynamic fracture
Zhang Xiong~*  Song Kangzu  Lu Mingwan
Hits: 24958
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      The finite element method (FEM)has been the most frequently used and the most powerful numerical method in engineering during the past thirty years. However, the lack of robust and efficient 3D mesh generators makes the solution of 3D problems a difficult task. Furthermore, mesh-based methods are also not well suited to the problems associated with extremely large deformation and problems associated with frequently remeshing. To avoid these drawbacks of the FEM, considerable effort has been devoted during recent years to the development of the meshless method, and more than 10 different meshless methods have been developed. In this paper, the basic formulations of meshless methods are first summarized from the weighted residual method point of view, and then compared with FEM, classical weighted residual method and finite differnce to show their characteristics. The research progress in meshless methods is discussed in detail, and their applications to impact, dynamic fracture, metal forming and fluid flow are given.