Nonlinear finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite beams
  Revised:March 22, 2002
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KeyWord:steel-concrete composite beams,nonlinear finite element analysis,material nonlinearity,slip
Qiu Wenliang  Zhang Zhe *  Jiang Meng
Hits: 1474
Download times: 11
      A simplified finite element model for analysis of the steel\|concrete composite beams with incomplete interaction has been presented. The effects of material nonlinearities of concrete, steel and shear connectors on the stiffness and strength were considered in the model. Based on slip, a shear connector element stiffness matrix was derived. The ultimate load, deflection, stress and slip of a continuous composite beam were calculated. Compared the present results with the experimental and other numerical method results has proved that the model provided is correct and convenient for the analysis of the steel\|concrete composite beam in the practice.