Direct transfer substructure method for dynamic analysis of complex chain structure
  Revised:March 20, 2002
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KeyWord:substructure,dynamic analysis,complex chain system.
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      Combining FRF(Frequency Response Function) with transfer matrix method, a new direct transfer substructure method has been presented . Using this method, the dynamic analysis of complex chain system may be calculated effectively with high accuracy, even if the inner degrees of freedom of substructure are very large. The data of every substructure obtained from finite element method or experiments is independent one another. Therefore, the structure of different troop can be analyzed by altering the connection conditions, and a partially modified structural analysis can be finished through correction of corresponding substructures. Virtues as mentioned are of great benefit to dynamic optimization and aseismatic design of complex chain structure. Through the compensatory technique of series expansion of a matrix function, this method becomes more applicable and effective when the low frequency modes of whole structure are needed. A numerical example shows advantages and practicability of this method.