New method of numerical simulation for cooling effect of first stage water pipes
  Revised:November 22, 2001
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KeyWord:cooling effect,transient temperature field,substru cture,state equation refined integral
Mei Fuliang *1  2  \ Zeng Deshun 2
Hits: 1749
Download times: 8
      The governing equations of the finite elements for the transient temperature field of concrete structures were expressed into t he st ate equations dispersing a spatial domain by the finite element method, regardin g th e element in which a cooling water pipe exists as a substructure, the other elem ents as common elements, and then were solved by the refined integral method. T hese results show the great advantages that the introduction of substructure, st ate equation and refined integral technology reduces requirement for computer storag e quantity, and enhances the temperature gradient accuracy off the water pipes.