Generalized variational principles of three-dimensional problems in magnetoelectroelastic solids
  Revised:April 21, 2003
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KeyWord:magneto-electroelastic solid,variational principle,three dimensional problems
Yao Weian
Hits: 2002
Download times: 19
      The generalized variational principles for three di mensional problems in the magneto-electroelastic solids are proposed, in which the independen tvariables are all variables of the magneto-electroelastic soli d, such as stresses, strains, displacements, electrical displacements, electri cal field intensities, electrical potential, magnetic inductions, magnetic fiel d intensities and magnetic potential etc. They cover all fundamental equations a nd boundary conditions in the magneto-ele ctroelastic solids. Futhermore, the o ther generalized variational principles can be developed on basis of the variati onal principles.