Application of MCA method on study of coating material properties
  Revised:November 03, 2001
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KeyWord:MCA method,simulation,coating material,mechanical prop erty,
Chen Ke\+ *1  2  \ Huang Dewu\+2
Hits: 3767
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      The Movable Cellular Automata (MCA) method is a new numeri cal analysis method following finite element method and boundary element method. It was established based on the discrete medium mechanics and allowed to simulate d irectly: damage accumulation, cracks propagation and crash energy calculation of the non-homogen eous material, etc. The relative theory and mathematical model of MCA was introd uced and derived in this paper, and a practical example of a beam with the three point bending of the metal matrix ceramics coating shows that the impact capaci ty of the specimen of double la yer coating is larger than that of the specimen of single layer coating under t he s ame condition. In the other hand, the fracture shapes of two specimens are disti nct, and the curves of stress vs. strain of both are distinguishable. The conclu sions can be drawn from this investigation that the deformation and failure mode s of coating materials are dependent on the structure of coating.