Comparison of possibilistic reliability and stochastic reliability me thods for uncertain structures
  Revised:January 14, 2002
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KeyWord:stochastic reliability,possibilistic reliability,s tructural reliability,structural optimization.
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      Traditional stochastic reliability method has been widely accepted and used in the analysis and design of the structures. In the paper, a comparing possibilistic reliability method developed by authors in a previou s paper with the traditional stochastic reliability method proposed. Firstly, we compared the two reliabi lity methods in the modeling of uncertainties, model construction, and formulati ons for computation, etc. Then, we compared the structural optimization based on the reliability through a practical example. Some beneficial conclusions were o btai ned. Some results shown that, if there is sufficient information to build an acc urate model of uncertainties, the results of possibilistic reliability based on the opt imization may will be consistent with the stochastic reliability method. Whereas , when little information is available to build an accurate stochastic model, th e stochastic reliability calculat ion may lead to the large errors, but the possibilistic reliability procedure ma y offer safer the results. It is demonstrated further that the possibilistic rel iability method for the structures is reasonable, effective and useful.