Increment-dimensional precise integration method for nonlinear dynam icequation
  Revised:April 22, 2002
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KeyWord:precise integration method,increment dimensional m ethod,nonlinear dynamic equation
Zhang Suying 1  Deng Zichen *1  2
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      The precise integration method proposed for linear-invari ant dynamic system can give precise numerical results approaching to the exa ct solution at the integration points. However, it is more or less difficult wh en the algorithm is used to the non homogeneous dynamic system due to the in verse matrix calculations, and the non homogeneous vector with relation to tim e variable do not be considered in the process of division of the precise integ ration. In this paper, the original non homogeneous equation is converted into homogeneous equation by means of increment dimensional method. Then, precise i ntegration method can be used and the inverse matrix need not be computed in th e integration. The present method is not only benefit to both programming impl ementation and improving the numerical stability, but also more efficient t o the large scale problem. The numerical examples show the validity and effici ency of the method in this paper.