Interval analysis method of uncertain structural systems using universal grey number
  Revised:October 08, 2001
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KeyWord:structural design,interval analysis,uncertain structural systems,universal mathematics,grey system,finite element method
Wu Xiao  Luo Youxin  Wen Huijun  Li Min
Hits: 1792
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      The uncertain problems in engineering can be solved by using the interval, probabilistic or fuzzy theories. The interval analysis is used to model the uncertainty in the static structural analysis and design. By representing the uncertain parameters as interval numbers, the governing equations of the structural system are obtained by means of the finite element method. These equations are interval linear equations. Based on the concept and the rules of four algebraic operation of the universal Grey number, the universal Grey number is changed into the interval Grey number, and the interval analysis with extensible characteristic of the universal Grey number and the solution to universal Grey linear equations are given. The universal Grey function can be dealt with some problems that the Grey number or interval analysis can't be solved. The present method used in the uncertain structural system and design in engineering is more useful than the interval analysis. Some solution methods are discussed and two examples are presented to illustrate the computational aspects of universal Grey solution method and other methods.