3-D thermal weight function method and multiple virtual crack extension technique
  Revised:November 03, 2001
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KeyWord:thermal weight function method,stress intensity factor,thermal shock,3-D thermal weight function,multiple virtual crack extension method
Lu Yanlin  Huang Xianping  Jiang Xianfeng  Pan Bosong  Feng Xiaoqing
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      The 3\|D thermal weight function (TWF) method was introduced to calculate the transient stress intensity factors (SIFs) of a body subjected to the thermal shock. By means of this method, the distributions of thermal SIFs can be determined through the direct integration of the products of TWF and temperature fields. The repeated determinations of stress fields for the individual time instants, which should usually be determined by FEM or BEM, can thus be avoided. The basic equation of 3\|D TWF method was given. A novel technique, which will be referred to as the multiple virtual crack extension (MVCE) method, is proposed for solving this equation. In the MVCE method, the unlimited numbers of linearly independent virtual crack extension modes can be introduced, and the interpolations of SIFs are directly concerned with these modes. The obtained coefficient matrix of these equations is a triple\|diagonal matrix, which possesses good computational properties. The situations in which the SIF varies dramatically along crack fronts can be well numerically simulated. The examples show that very high efficiency as well as good accuracy can be achieved by the proposed method.