Instability analyses of rock-interface system under shear loading
  Revised:September 17, 2001
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KeyWord:rock-interface system,strain-softening,instability,shear loading
Liu Jun  \ Huang Baozong
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      Based on the assumption of rigid\|plastic and linear strain\|softening interface, the deformation, stresses and damage evolution of rock\|interface systems were studied under the mutual action of boundary and volume shear loads. According to the potential principle and energy criterion of stability, the shear instability conditions of rock\|interface systems were obtained. The analytic results show that before the damage zone reaches the edges of rock the systems can be stable or instable that depends on the comparison between the volume shear load in rock and interface friction force: if the former is more than the later the system is stable and otherwise instable; after the damage zone reaches the edges, the instability of systems depends on the loading and the materials properties of interface and there are significant effects of softening stiffness coefficient and the strength of interface on instability.