Element-Free Galerkin Method--powerful complement of finite element method in geotechnical engineering
  Revised:September 17, 2001
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KeyWord:element\|free galerkin method (EFGM),consolidation equation,coupled method of FEM\|EFGM
Zhang Yanjun  \ Xiao Shufang
Hits: 1576
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      As a newly developed means of numerical method in Geotechnical Engineering, the Element\|Free galerkin method (EFGM) is characterized by the local technique and element\|free. Compared with traditional FEM, it has more computation advantages in the such respects as accuracy and post\|process, etc. The paper introduces EFGM in detail and deduces the one\|dimension and two\|dimension consolidation discrete equations by considering the problem of soil consolidation deformation in the Geotechnical Engineering. Besides, it also calculates two theoretical models and draws conclusions by comparing the results from EFGM with closed\|form ones and the ones from FEM. The implementation can achieve more accuracy and obtain better solutions to the boundary. In particular, the combination of EFGM and FEM can both make better use of FEM's advantages of experience and the present EFGM's features of element\|free, thus making computation more effective. In conclusion, EFGM is the powerful complement of FEM.