Numerical simulation for the dynamic failure process in brittle materials
  Revised:April 01, 2002
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KeyWord:discrete element method,impact,stress wave,penetration,dynamic display
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      An algorithm based on the basic principles of continuum mechanics and the primary idea of the DEM was developed for calculating the dynamic damage process of brittle media. The wave propagation in an orthotropic plane under impact loadings was numerically simulated, by using this algorithm. Comparing its results with those by LS\|DYNA, the accuracy of this algorithm was presented. Moreover, the failure process of a steel bullet penetrating a concrete circular plane was demonstrated, which presented the dynamic transitional process from continuum to non\|continuum. Several different fundamental damage forms simulated by using this algorithm were discussed, comparing the results with the penetration experiments. The two numerical examples above prove that this algorithm is powerful and efficient for simulating the dynamic failure problems accompanying with the transition from continuum to non\|continuum.