Axisymmetric analysis of transversely isotropic material using incompatible FEM and hybrid stress FEM
  Revised:March 12, 2001
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KeyWord:transversely isotropic,axisymmetric,hybrid FEM,incompatible FEM,penalty equilibrium optimization method
Wan Li  \ Guo Yimu
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      Based on variational principle, this paper gets the conclusion that the incompatible FEM and hybrid stress FEM is also be applicable axisymmetric analysis of transversely isotropic material, and a penalty equilibrium optimization method presented by C.C. Wu is modified to analysis this kind of problems. Several examples and corresponding results demonstrate that the incompatible FEM and hybrid stress FEM can improve the numerical precision and give better element stress distributing than general displacement finite element, and the penalty equilibrium optimization finite element has the best characteristic in all the elements. The method can also easily be used in sloving the problems of transversely isotropic material besides axisymmetric problem.