Advanced combinatorial methods for solving the governing equations of linear static interval finite element method
  Revised:December 14, 2000
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KeyWord:finite element method,interval finite element method,governing equations,combinatorial method
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      The static governing equations of interval finite element method (FEM) are always transformed into interval equations to solve. But, in fact, they are not equivalent. In this paper, the mechanical background of the finite element analysis of uncertain structures are taken into account, and starting directly from the uncertainties of the basic parameters, two combinatorial procedures for solving the governing equations of linear static interval FEM are presented. In our procedures, the combination of the bounds of basic interval parameters is combined with the methods that we have given in some previous papers for solving the interval equations of interval analysis of structures. The presented procedures may have a high accuracy and low computational burden, and does not restricted by the ranges of variation of the basic parameters. Two numerical examples illustrated the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed procedures.