Computational implementation of global optimization of anti-seismic design for multilevel hierarchical engineering systems
  Revised:February 22, 2001
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KeyWord:multilevel hierarchical engineering system,anti\|seismic design,global optimization,computational execution.
Zhu Jinghua 1  Wang Guangyuan\ 2
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      Based on the engineering background of anti\|seismic design and using the structural earthquake protection intensities as the variables, the systematic global optimization methods, that comply with structural character of the multilevel hierarchical engineering system, are developed and implemented. At first, a large\|scale system is partitioned into global and local levels in the context of optimization and a discrete optimization method is proposed for the elementary level. Secondly, from the study of elementary systems, the efficient minimizing approaches and corresponding schemes for the discrete goal functions are put forward to form the secondary level. According to the logical structure of the multilevel hierarchical engineering systems, two kinds of the global optimization methods, the coupling and the decomposition methods, are presented, respectively, which constitute the first level. Lastly, a general purpose analytical program is successfully developed in terms of a well\|designed datasheet. A number of examples are included to demonstrate the speed, accuracy and stability of the methods