Analysis of the mechanical response of human left ventricls subjected to the active force
  Revised:May 13, 1999
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KeyWord:finite element analysis,human left ventricle,simulation,composite,active force
Xia Ling  \ Liu Feng
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      The human heart pumps blood via contraction of myocardial muscleand the mechanical properties of the muscle depend highly on its fibrous structure. Considering the fiber orientation, a three-dimensional finite element mechanical model of left ventricle is constructed, based on composite theory and an electric model of human heart. The mechanical response of the left ventricle subjected to the active force is simulated. The simulation results show that the left ventricle contraction is very complicated, it includes axial shortening, radial contraction, basal contraction and twisting around the long axis at different degree, and among these deformations, the apical contraction is the strongest. In addition, the stress distribution on the left ventricle wall is not uniform, and it reduces from the endocardium to the epicardium. The stress on the apex and base of left ventricle is much greater, and the greatest exists on the apex of endocardium. These results show that the cardiomechanics is sensitive to the myocardial fibrous structure, the left ventricle geometric shape and electric active stimulus. The simulation results are compared with the solutions obtained from corresponding medical images and those comes from other models,it proves that the given model can be used to study the mechanical function of the left ventricle.