A two-stage method for identification of structural parameter
  Revised:January 17, 2001
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KeyWord:ground motion,multiple inversion,and parameter identification
Feng Xin  Zhou Jing  Chen Jianyun
Hits: 3787
Download times: 11
      Most of the parameter identification techniques in time domain require information of ground motion and structure response at every degree of freedom, and this contradicts the usual practice of having a small number of sensors located on the structure. A method to obtain the time history of ground motion and to estimate the structural parameter down to the element level with incomplete measurements is proposed. The method consists of two stages: the sub\|structural inversion of ground motion, and the parameter identification. By using of the mechanical characteristic of one dimension earthquake, the finite element formulation is transformed into the presentation suited to the least square estimation. An algorithm of the sub\|structure solves the inversion problem of ground motion with the unknown structural parameters and limited measurements. The structural parameters are then identified in the time domain by extended Kalman filter\|weighted global iteration (EKF\|WGI) algorithm, which has good robustness and error tolerance. Several cases of a 6 story frame structure are numerically investigated. The results show that the proposed two stage approach can effectively identify the structural parameters from incomplete measurements.