Two new eight node brick element three dimension discrete operator difference method
  Revised:December 10, 1999
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KeyWord:weak forms,driving equation,discrete operator difference method,finite element method
Tian Zhongxu 1  Tang Limin 2  Liu Zhengxing 1  Zhang Lizhi 3
Hits: 1641
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      A discrete operator difference method is established for three dimension elastic problems. The character of three dimension method is investigated in order to provide a basic understanding for its further development and some references for the study of solutions by using weak form equations. A weak form equation containing boundary parameters is given for the three dimension elastic problems. Both finite element method and discrete operator difference method can be pushed forward from which. Two kinds of the eight node brick elements are deduced by using the discrete operator difference method. Although the displacements are non conforming, their discrete schemes are convergent without additional disposal. Furthermore, the method is very simple both in formula's generating and programming, and the computational results are stable with meshes changed.