Influence of parameters of actuators and simulatingof adjusting force-bearing state
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KeyWord:adaptive structure,strength control,actuator's parameters,rationalized structural working state,controlling process
Sui Yunkang 1  Shao Jianyi 2
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      Influences of parameters of actuators for structural properties of the adaptive statically indeterminate truss are investigated based on the programming method. The programming method can make the structural working status more reasonable. This method can improve the working status of adaptive structures and enhance their load capacity. On this basis, the influence on control effect of relative parameters, which are the upper bound of deformation, stiffness and upper bound of bearing force of the combined bar with actuator, is studied. This provides a theoretical base for reasonable selection of actuators. The implementation strategy for controlling structural strength to adjust actuator's deformations is then simulated and analyzed. The strategy includes three parts: 1. the simulation and analysis of repeated cycles of "loading, control and adjustment, unloading" until the completion of control and adjustment; 2. the simultaneous proportional magnification of the deformation of various actuators until the realization of the adjustment; 3. the equivalence of the results of multi\|time loading, adjustment and single time loading, adjustment. The study shows that the control and adjustment process of making reasonable structure working status proposed in this paper is safe, reliable and flexible.