Numerical simulation of temperature field of plate with a semi edge crack atcurrent switching moment
  Revised:July 12, 2000
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KeyWord:Electro-magnetic heat effect,crack preventing,temperature field,numerical simulation
Xu Zhiqiang 1  Fu Yuming 1  Bai Xiangzhong 2
Hits: 1597
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      A numerical simulation is proposed for simulating the temperature field of plate with a semi edge crack at current switching moment. The calculation result shows that the crack tip is melted and the welded joint is formed as the results of electro magnetic heat concentration effect. The curvature of the ends of crack is increased remarkably. The temperature distribution and form is incompleteness symmetry. The shape of welded joint by the numerical simulation has an agreement with the experimental results. From the results of temperature gradient distribution, it is shown that the compressive stresses appear and spreading stresses decrease remarkably near the ends of the crack during the current switching process. Therefore, the formation and growth of the main crack is prevented.