Random internal force analysis of prestressed spatial steel truss with randomcable stiffness on perturbation method
  Revised:May 20, 2001
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KeyWord:prestressed spatial steel truss,random cable stiffness,random internal force perturbation analysis.
Wang Xintang  Xu Yongchun  Wang Zhejing
Hits: 1755
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      On the basis of the fundamental computational theories of the cable prestressed planar steel truss established in paper , considering the randomness of the cable stiffness, the general formula for random internal force analysis of prestressed spatial steel truss with random cable stiffness are put forward and the formulas of sensitivity analysis are also presented. The computational models presented here has laid a theoretic foundation for further reliability analysis of the three dimensional prestressed steel trusses. Finally, the computational examples are put forward for the triangular spatial steel trusses widely used in engineering.