An improved element free method
  Revised:March 15, 2000
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KeyWord:meshless,weight function,moving least-square (MLS)
Zhang Xiangwei  Cai Yongchang
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      The major shortcoming of the Element free Galerkin method (EFGM), which are based on the use of one or more order moving least square (MLS) approximation, has been that the complexity of the shape functions and the high cost of computational time. An improved formulation of the IEFM is presented in this paper. The proposed IEFM can simplify the construction of approximations by multiplying the Shepard shape functions with the polynomial cover displacement functions and avoid the inverse and multiply of matrix when calculation the shape functions. Numerical examples indicate that high rates of convergence are achieved in the present IEFM, and the computational time are also reduced markedly comparing with the standard EFGM.