Application of multi block technique in 3D complex turbulent flow withmultiply-connected domain
  Revised:July 10, 1999
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KeyWord:multi-block technique,multiply connected domain,dry cooling towers.
Fu Song  Zhai Zhiqiang
Hits: 1530
Download times: 8
      This work applies multi block technique in an arbitrary curvilinear coordinate system to calculate complex 3D turbulent flows. The present multiblock approach is realized through overlapping neighboring computational subdomains which had been first set up to meet the required flow problem. The performance of the present approach was validated in the flow around a cube mounted on one side of a channel. Very good agreement is achieved in the computational results of one block and multi-block approaches. The computation was then further performs on flow around two dry cooling towers in tandem arrangement. The calculation with 5-block approach highlighted the complex flow pattern, which is very difficult to achieve with the conventional one block approach.