A method for mesh generation of all quadrilateral finite elements-improvedpattern module''''s method
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KeyWord:automatic mesh generation,quadrilateral finite elements,pattern module's method
Li Hua 1  Li Xiaoniu 2  Cheng Gengdong 1  Wu Jie 2
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      An improved method of generating a graded all quadrilateral mesh in an arbitrary domain has been presented in this paper. The basic strategy of the method is to develop a pattern module for generating a graded all quadrilateral mesh in a parent square. The graded mesh in the parent domain is then mapped to the physical domain. The algorithm of improved pattern module's method is composed of the following three steps:(1) Dividing the discretized region into a number of four sided zones, called super-elements, as geometrical and material variations, then transferring the super-element into a square in parametric space by a transfinite mapping equation; (2) Generating the meshes in the square are according to the requirement of the number of elements; (3) Transferring the mesh in the parametric space into the physical space and smoothing the mesh. Compared with other approaches, the present method has more flexibility and efficiency.